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Sutco® RecyclingTechnik – WE GET THE BEST OUT

Sutco RecyclingTechnik GmbH - We Get The Best Out.

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Sutco – Biological waste treatment processes

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Sutco – Sorting plant for packaging waste, Portugal

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Pre-treatment plant for the return of recyclable materials to the materials cycle (Stockholm)

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Mechanical Biological Treatment /MBT, Kielce (PL), Sutco®

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Sorting plant for packaging waste. Animation. Motala (SE). Sutco®

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MPT-Anlage. Animation Hull (UK). Sutco® UK

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RDF-Treatment. Finland. Sutco®

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WENDELIN - Windrow composting system with optimized machine and process technology

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BioPV / Vergärung. Gescher. Sutco®

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EBS-Aufbereitung vor Gasifizierung. Hull (UK). Sutco® UK

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Sutco Interview mit Mattias Philipsson (CEO, Svensk Plaståtervinning)

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Sutco software – ProDIGIT Platform

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Sutco – Sorting plant for lightweight packaging, Austria

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Industrial Film Sorting Facility (Vechta)

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Pre-sorting before incineration. Stavanger (NO). Sutco®

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Konstruktion der LVP Sortieranlage (Zeitraffer). Zwolle (NL). Sutco®

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Ballierungsanlage. Animation. Sutco®

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WENDELIN – The New Generation. Animation. Sutco®

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Tunnelkompostierung. Linkenbach. Sutco®

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Mechanisch-Biologische Abfallaufbereitungsanlage (MBA), Kielce. Sutco®

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SRF-Treatment. Birmingham (UK). Sutco®

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LM-GROUP at IFAT 2022, Munich

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Sutco – SITE ZERO – LWP sorting plant, Sweden

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Sorting plant for lightweight packaging (lwp). Gernsheim (DE). Sutco®

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"Single Stream" / MRF - Material Recycling Facility. Animation. Singapore (SG). Sutco®

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Sortieranlage für Leichtstoffverpackungen (LVP). Motala (SE). Sutco®

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Mobile Aufbereitung Rostasche aus MVA. Sutco®

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Wendelin. Hannover. Sutco®

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Biofix. Animation. Sutco®

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Sortieranlage für Verpackungsabfälle. Oppin (DE). Sutco®

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MBA Hausmüll. Kalisz (Polen). Sutco®

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LM GROUP – IFAT 2024 Munich

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